
Women's Soccer Cup 23

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Women's Soccer Cup 23

Approved for all ages

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Women's Soccer Cup 23 - Get the cup!

Women's Soccer Cup 23 is a challenging soccer game in which you'll compete with different women's national teams in exciting free-kick duels.

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The atmosphere in the stadium is boisterous and it's your skill that counts to secure the world championship title for your team. Choose from eleven national teams like Germany, France, Japan or Brazil. Shoot your women's team to victory by converting more shots on goal than your opponents in the free-kick duel.

First determine the direction you want your shot to go. Watch the green arrow and press the left mouse button when it points in the desired direction. With the red arrow, which moves up and down, you determine the height of the shot. Finally, you can give your free kick a spin to get around the opponent's defense. The curve line here shows you how the ball flies.

Find the gaps in the opponent's wall and cleverly play the goalkeeper. After your shot, it's up to you to prevent a goal from the opposing team. To do this, click on the gloves displayed in the goal at the right moment and your goalkeeper will rush to the corner and pick the ball out of the air.

The team that scores the most goals within 90 seconds wins.

More games for soccer fans

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Shoot the round into the square and play Women's Soccer Cup 23 online for free on KibaGames.

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Women's Soccer Cup 23

Women's Soccer Cup 23
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