
Uninvited Bridesmaids

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  4. Uninvited Bridesmaids

Uninvited Bridesmaids - surprise the bride and groom with four outfits!

Style Bridesmaids is a cool lifestyle game in which you'll be able to style four bridesmaids for a glamorous wedding.

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The bride's four friends want to surprise her with their appearance and add special glam to the wedding. So put together four looks with long evening dresses and find the right accessories. But first you need to apply a suitable make up that matches the girls' skin and hair colors. After that, browse through the wide selection of long evening dresses and choose an elegant gown for each fresh bridesmaid. You can complete the outfit with a new hairstyle, a tiara or a flower arrangement for the hair, jewelry, a handbag and a bouquet of flowers.

The wedding season is just around the corner and the bride's companions are also waiting for their big appearance. Outfit them with an opulent outfit now and play Uninvited Bridesmaids free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Uninvited Bridesmaids

  • Online since: 16.|03.|2022
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Uninvited Bridesmaids
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