
Turbo Race

Approved for Ages 6+

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Turbo Race - Reach the finish line before anyone else!

Turbo Race is a fast-paced car racing game in which you not only have to drive, but also fly to reach the finish line before anyone else.

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Challenging tracks and daring maneuvers are the order of the day in this racing game. Just like on a classic Carrera track, you steer your car through winding tracks to reach the finish line. You control your vehicle with the mouse or the touch screen.

If you leave the road, however, it's not game over just yet. Your car can fly and that gives you many advantages: With ramps or rapid steering maneuvers, you can take off and comfortably sail to a section of the track further back. This way, you'll quickly be number 1 - provided you land safely on the track!

Tips and tricks for Turbo Race

  • Ram opponents sideways to push them off the road or block other vehicles that want to overtake you. Your sports car will not be damaged if it hits other cars.
  • Avoid obstacles, otherwise you will be slowed down.
  • Don't take on routes that are too long, as your vehicle will descend with every meter you cover. This means that you may fly too low to reach the track again and crash on the ground. If you crash completely, you'll have to start the level over from the beginning.

More racing games for speed freaks

Did you have fun with Turbo Race? Then you might also like Turbo Race 3D! In this action-packed racer, you can take part in exciting street races. And in Street Car Race Ultimate, you can take on your opponents in various challenges.

Step on the gas of your Hot Wheels and master the tricky tracks with your race car! Play Turbo Race now for free online at KibaGames!

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Turbo Race

Turbo Race
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