
Tower Defense Clash

Approved for Ages 6+

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  3. Tower Defense
  4. Tower Defense Clash

Tower Defense Clash - Beat back the attackers in new levels!

Tower Defense Clash is an action-packed strategy game where you can fight your way through new levels and defend your castle against attacking robbers.

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In this expansion of the popular online game, the action is back! Protect your castle in 40 levels and build defense towers at the designated locations. There you will have various weapons at your disposal to repel the attackers.

Use archers, mages who attack with lightning or ice spells, or a slingshot. Place them on the path for play money and earn more gold for defeated enemies, which you can spend on new towers during the attack wave. Can you find the best combinations of towers and soldiers? You also have the option to speed up the time during the rounds, in case things get too slow for you.

More exciting tower defense games for you

If you liked Tower Defense Clash, why don't you play the first part of the game series: Tower Defense or Cursed Treasure 1.5.

Fend off any monster attack now and play Tower Defense Clash online for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Tower Defense Clash

  • Online since: 28.|03.|2023
  • Publisher: Inlogic (149)
Tower Defense Clash
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