
Tiny Football Cup

Approved for all ages

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Tiny Football Cup
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Tiny Football Cup - Shoot your opponents off the field!

Tiny Football Cup is a fun soccer game in which you can play table soccer with your team against different teams or your friends on the same device.

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Tiny Football Cup is played like a classic finger soccer game, where you use the mouse or touch to determine the momentum and direction you want your player tokens to move. You have a total of five player tokens on the field. You can freely choose which one you want to move. If they collide with the soccer ball, it will be kicked in the corresponding direction. After a player has been moved, it's your opponent's turn. Skillfully kick the ball across the field and score goals before your opponent scores!

Three different game modes await you: 

  • In league mode you play several matches against teams from different cities. You can choose from different leagues such as the Italian, French, Spanish and English leagues.
  • In tournament mode you compete against teams from different countries. 
  • And in 2-player mode you can compete against your friends and prove who is the best soccer player!

For every victory you get coins, which you can use to buy access to leagues and tournaments. You also get rubies for winning leagues and tournaments, which you can use to buy packs in the store. These packs contain new teams for you to play with!

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Shoot the round into the square and play Tiny Football Cup online for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Tiny Football Cup

  • Online since: 20.|07.|2023
  • Publisher: Inlogic (146)
  • Developer: Inlogic (146)
Tiny Football Cup
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