
TikTok Divas DIY Makeup

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  4. TikTok Divas DIY Makeup

TikTok Divas DIY Makeup - style three different looks!

TikTok Divas DIY Makeup is an extensive makeover game in which you can style three influencers like real stars.

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You may have always wondered what the makeup routine of the stars looks like. In this game you'll be able to get a glimpse and style three TikTok Divas. Take care of the blemishes first and make sure that the skin is always well-groomed. Wash the face, use soothing creams and gels and relax your models by applying a face mask.

After the skin is cared for, it can finally go to the make-up. When it comes to styling later, Tiktok Divas prefer different looks like the grunge style, the college look or the glamorous look. Match the makeup to these preferences. Choose blush, contact lenses, lipsticks, eye shadows and mascara for this purpose. After applying it once, you can always switch between different variations and styles of makeup for a perfect look. Accessories for the face such as stickers or small drawings are also possible as eye-catchers. In the last step, you select the matching clothes, hairstyle and jewelry. Hair accessories such as caps, hair hoops or barrettes can also be found in the selection.

Don't miss this new lifestyle game with many possibilities and play TikTok Divas DIY Makeup free online on KibaGames!

Details about

TikTok Divas DIY Makeup

  • Online since: 21.|12.|2022
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
TikTok Divas DIY Makeup
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