
TikTok Divas Candy Style

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. TikTok Divas Candy Style

Tik Tok Divas Candy Style - put together cute outfits!

Tik Tok Divas Candy Style is a cool lifestyle game in which you'll be able to dress four friends in cute outfits and present their creations on TikTok.

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The four girls start with a cute makeup. Make them up with shimmering lip gloss and even use the first sugar pearls here, if you like. With colorful eye shadow and maybe even eyebrows, you bring the next candy colors into play. Then choose the candy style outfit. You can choose between dresses with different candy motifs like ice cream or donuts or jeans and a cute top that you can combine with many candy accessories.

On Tik Tok, of course, the extreme disguises always go down well, but in everyday life the girls like it less flashy. Then just play with headbands full of confectionery, earrings in the shape of sugar pearls or colorful sunglasses and of course handbags in the shape of candies or chocolate bars.

Now make up the best costumes and looks for new funny videos and play Tik Tok Divas Candy Style free online on Kibagames!

Details about

TikTok Divas Candy Style

  • Online since: 12.|01.|2022
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
TikTok Divas Candy Style
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