
Tap Me

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Tap Me - Click on the right people!

Tap Me is a minimalist hidden object game in which you have to find a person on an animated playing field as quickly as possible.

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At the beginning of each game round, you are shown a male or female character that you have to find on the playing field. Remember the color of the top and bottom. Then look for the person in the crowd on the playing field who matches the one in the photo and tap them. There are so many people scurrying around that you have to look carefully in the colorful chaos to find the right figure. A level is completed when you have found all the people you are looking for within the time limit. The further you get, the more people you have to tap!

You may remember the game principle from hidden object books such as "Where's Walter?". The globetrotter in the red and white striped sweater is also known as "Wally" or "Waldo".

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Prove you have a good eye in the crowd, set a new high score and play Tap Me online for free on KibaGames!

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Tap Me

Tap Me
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