
Stick Soccer 3D

Approved for all ages

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  4. Stick Soccer 3D

Stick Soccer 3D - kick in pairs with the best teams in the world!

Stick Soccer 3D is an exciting soccer game for one or two players, in which you can use different soccer tactics in numerous tournaments.

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Play the turn-based mini-game alone or with a friend on a mouse. Take turns. Click on the player you want to pass the ball to and then aim with the mouse. Use the left mouse button to shoot at the goal. Your goal, of course, as in any soccer game, is to score the most goals within the time limit,

Use the tournament mode and be sure to try out the speed mode, which is all about kicking fast.

As you progress in Stick Soccer 3D, buy new players and teams and weigh up how good the players should be in the factors of goals, power and speed.

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Stick Soccer 3D

Stick Soccer 3D
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