Spinning Oia Oia Cat Bricker is a fun arcade game in which you bounce a ball off a bat to shoot all the blocks.
Similar to the Atari classic “Breakout”, you have to remove all the bricks from the playing field to complete a level. New in this version is that your gaming success is rewarded with cat videos.
As in the viral “Brick Breaker Brainrot” videos, the “Oiia Oiia Cat” or “Brainrot Cat” video is played below the playing field after a hit, which, according to an internet trend, is supposed to have an almost hypnotic effect on the furry friends. Of course, all of this is to be taken with a dash of humor, because the whole “brain rot” trend is internet nonsense that doesn't require you to use your brain!
If you liked Spinning Oia Oia Cat Bricker, then take a look at Atari Breakout or Atari Pong.
Break all the bricks and have fun with “Uia Brainrot Cat”! Play Spinning Oia Oia Cat Bricker now for free online on KibaGames!