
Space Alien Invaders

Approved for Ages 6+

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Space Alien Invaders - Destroy the spaceships!

Space Alien Invaders is a cool retro arcade game in which you have to shoot down enemy spaceships without getting hit yourself.

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You will certainly recognize the game principle and the pixel look from the arcade classic "Space Invaders", which was released in Japan in 1978. The game was designed and programmed by Tomohiro Nishikado. It didn't take long for it to become one of the most played games in the arcades. Space Invaders was the first arcade game in color at the time and is still one of the most important games in video game history alongside Pac-Man and Pong.

Fend off the alien invasion

In this online version of the game, you take control of a spaceship just like in the original. Use the A and D keys, the mouse or the touchscreen to control your spaceship. If you press the space bar or click on the spaceship, it will start shooting. Move from right to left and shoot down the rows of enemy alien spaceships. But be careful! Your opponents will also fire back with lasers and beams, which you have to dodge skillfully. Once you have used up all three of your lives, the game is over. Use the obstacles in the level as cover or destroy them with enough shots to make it easier to hit the aliens.

Achieve a galactic high score

Every alien ship you destroy increases your score. If you manage to destroy the UFOs that fly through the levels from time to time, you will receive further bonus points. Once all the attackers have been defeated, one life is replenished and a new wave of spaceships must be destroyed. Show quick reflexes and skillfully dodge enemy fire to achieve a high score! How many waves of aliens can you fend off?

More arcade classics for nostalgics

If you enjoyed Space Alien Invaders, then try placing the colorful blocks in the right place in Tetris Original! Or play the Atari classics Atari Pong and Pac-Xon Deluxe!

Fend off as many extraterrestrial attack waves as possible and set a new high score! Play Space Alien Invaders online for free now on KibaGames!

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Space Alien Invaders

Space Alien Invaders
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