
Solar System Hashtag Challenge

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  4. Solar System Hashtag Challenge

Solar System Hashtag Challenge - style 11 themed outfits!

Solar System Hashtag Challenge is an extensive dress-up game in which you can put together outfits for all the celestial bodies from the Sun to Pluto.

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Buy clothes and accessories for each celestial body in the store and use them to create matching outfits for the Solar System Hashtag Challenge. The colors and patterns are coordinated with the sun, moon and the different planets. For example, for Earth with its vibrant vegetation, you can choose green tops and skirts with leaf motifs and patterns. 

The moon is also a good motif, Saturn with its many rings can be found in a skirt with the same and the dresses for the sun are in yellow and orange. Combine them with a matching hairstyle and, if necessary, nice shoes and a handbag. If you were able to implement the theme of the outfit well, you will get new money for it to go shopping further.

Style now 11 new outfits matching all celestial bodies and play Solar System Hashtag Challenge free online on Kibagames!

Details about

Solar System Hashtag Challenge

  • Online since: 11.|02.|2022
  • Publisher: Witchhut (109)
Solar System Hashtag Challenge
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