
Soccer Random

Approved for all ages

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Soccer Random - chaos on the soccer pitch!

Soccer Random is a physics-based 2D soccer game in which you have to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with skill and luck.

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Put on your soccer boots and get ready for crazy games full of hilarious moments: Chance and chaos reign on this pixel-look soccer pitch! Click with the mouse and also use the “W” button in two-player mode to jump upwards with your two-man soccer team - you can't control your players any further. After the jump, chance and physics determine how the figures tumble across the pitch. Choose the right moment to let your athletes jump and shoot the ball into the goal before your opponents do.

Chance determines not only how the ragdoll footballers move across the pitch, but also which ball is used. Kick large beach balls, hard-to-hit tennis balls, footballs and ordinary soccer balls across ever-changing pitches.

Take part in fun duels with a friend in two-player mode and find out who can bounce their figures the best. It doesn't matter which part of the body your soccer players use to get the ball into the goal: Headers, bicycle kicks or shots - everything is allowed. Show perfect timing and use the chaotic movements of the characters to your advantage!

More sports games for soccer fans

If you enjoyed Soccer Random, why not control the players of your favorite national team on the pitch in World Cup Fever?

Jump across the pitch with your soccer players and kick the ball into the goal with luck! Play Soccer Random online for free now on KibaGames!

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Soccer Random

Soccer Random
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