

Approved for Ages 12+

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Play the new "Tales of the Lost Fleet" content update now and earn epic rewards!

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SeaFight - conquer the oceans as a pirate!

SeaFight is an exciting browser game in which you can fight as a pirate for valuable treasures and engage in many sea battles.

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Become part of a pirate guild and face new quests together with your comrades. As a feared buccaneer, you'll soon be able to enjoy a life of luxury as you sink your opponents, earn experience points and face the monsters of the seas.

It's not just the fresh scenario that makes SeaFight one of the most popular online MMOs. The mixture of beautiful graphics, many fellow players, guilds and the appeal of treasure hunting are worth a look not only for fans of buccaneers.

Update: “Tales of Power and Glory” event from Mar 14 to Mar 31!

The mischievous Loki has returned to Nautica to cause more Ragnarök-related mischief – and this time he's in a party mood! All pirates are invited to visit the mysterious “World of Glory” fair and celebrate Seafight's 19th birthday with a variety of fun activities, including the exciting PvP card “Glory Hunters” and the nerve-wracking game show “Boat Breaker”. Drop by today and conquer the wild blue yonder in a firework of glory! Don't miss out on this major milestone and earn great rewards during the “Tales of Power and Glory” event!

Update: New content "Tales of the Lost Fleet: The Black-Hearted Brigand" from July 18, 2024!

Return to the archipelago and get ready to fight the Black-Hearted Brigand to stop Nadim Latif from his machinations. Not only does the curse of the Splinterskulls weigh heavily on this region, but to make matters worse, the dragons have also begun to curse it. It's a good thing Killian Drake has joined your comrades to fight the latest threats.

Set sail and dive into this exciting sequel to the “Tales of the Lost Fleet” expansion! The Black-Hearted Brigand update features brand new maps to explore with powerful new enemies and monsters to defeat. Experienced pirates can climb the ranks and have the great opportunity to level up to level 60. But that's not all! With a new raid map to master and new quests to complete, this epic new update will entertain and reward brave pirates in equal measure!

Set sail and prepare to board!

Regular events and quests in 35 levels provide a lot of variety. Get to know the cold ice landscapes as well as tropical forests and fiery lava islands. A real buccaneer will be able to steer his ship to any part of the world and seize its treasures. Build your crew more and more, use different ships and soon you will be able to call many pearls your own.

Now get up to the lookout! Sink your fellow players, dangerous sea monsters or computer ships and play SeaFight free online on Kibagames!

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  • Online since: 01.|01.|2021
  • Publisher: BigPoint (5)
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