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Reversi - Dominate the board!

Reversi is an online version of the classic board game in which you have to use clever tactics to have the most pieces on the board at the end of a round.

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Reversi, often called “Othello”, is played on an 8x8 board. The aim of the game is to have the most pieces in your own color on the board at the end. To do this, 64 double-sided stones in the colors black and white are used. Black starts the game. In the level menu, you can choose which color you want to play with or leave the color assignment to chance.

To win, you have to be strategic and think carefully about how you place your moves to capture as many of your computer opponent's pieces as possible while protecting your own pieces.

These are the Reversi game rules

Reversi Online offers you four levels of difficulty from “Easy” to “Expert”. First choose one of them that matches your skills.

  • At the beginning, four stones are placed in the middle of the playing field so that the colors alternate diagonally. The players now take it in turns to place a stone of their color on an empty space on the board.
  • A move is only valid if the piece placed traps at least one or more of the opponent's pieces between two of the player's own pieces. This can happen horizontally, vertically or diagonally. All trapped opposing pieces are then turned over to the color of the player who made the move. You should therefore trap as many of your opponent's pieces as possible at once. Small diamond symbols show you where you can place a piece in the “Easy” difficulty level.
  • If a player cannot make a valid move, he must pass and it is the opponent's turn again.
  • The game ends when no player can make a valid move because either all the squares are occupied or no more pieces can be placed.
  • The player who has the most pieces in their color on the board at the end wins.

Other popular board games that require strategic thinking

If you like Reversi, why not try the classic games Backgammon Narde Online and Chess Mania?

Can you manage to place as many of your pieces on the board as possible? Now skillfully turn over your opponent's tiles and play Reversi online for free on KibaGames!

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