
Prom Night Dress Up

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Prom Night Dress Up

Prom Night Dress Up - Style the most beautiful outfits for the prom!

Prom Night Dress Up is a charming dress up game in which you'll be able to help six young women find the perfect dress for the prom!

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Dancing at the prom is fun and a great opportunity to show off beautiful prom dresses. In the US, "prom" refers to the annual prom dance held at American high schools.
In this game you'll have to prove your skills as a stylist and create a glamorous outfit for each of the six girlfriends for prom night. Start with an elegant hairstyle, which you can embellish with a tiara and glittering headbands. Then choose one of the dresses or a combination of top and skirt. It doesn't matter if it's long or short, with ruffles or sequins, or in bright or classic colors - the most important thing is that the students feel comfortable in their outfits for this highlight of the year.

If the temperatures are a bit cooler, a cozy stole to wear around the neck completes the look. Fine evening gloves in various lengths are also appropriate. Elegant shoes, sparkling jewelry, a small handbag and the obligatory prom bouquet of color-coordinated flowers should not be missing. Then choose the appropriate backdrop, such as the dance floor or a stage where the Prom Queen may give a speech in front of the other students. It's sure to be a great evening!

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Create the most beautiful evening gowns and play Prom Night Dress Up online for free at KibaGames!

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Prom Night Dress Up

Prom Night Dress Up
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