
Princesses Fantasy Makeover

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Princesses Fantasy Makeover

Princesses Fantasy Makeover - Create Magical Looks

Princesses Fantasy Makeover is an imaginative dress-up game in which you'll help four fantasy princesses find the perfect look for their magical world.

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Whether you want to be a brave warrior with sword and axe or a mystical sorceress with crown and wand - you decide. You have the choice between the four princesses: Elsa, Anna, Moana and Belle. Each one has her own closet with different outfits.

Start by putting makeup on them. Again, besides classic makeup, you'll have fancy face paints at your disposal. Once you're satisfied with the look, it's time for the outfit.

Choose from different imaginative clothes and create your personal medieval look. Round off the style with various head accessories such as glittering crowns, tiaras, colorful flower decorations and exotic horns. The right necklace and matching earrings should not be missing, of course. Finally, you can turn your princess into a magician with powerful wands. Or you can equip her with spear and sword to become a fearless warrior. This way she can take on any dragon even without a prince!

Finally, see your looks in front of different fantasy backdrops, like a magnificent castle or a cursed forest. Just save your creations as screenshots via the download button!

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Details about

Princesses Fantasy Makeover

  • Online since: 26.|07.|2023
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
  • Developer: Bitent (246)
Princesses Fantasy Makeover
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