
Portrait Maker: Create a Face!

Approved for all ages

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  4. Portrait Maker: Create a Face!

Portrait Maker: Create a Face!

Portrait Maker: Create a Face! is a creative online game in which you'll be able to design the portrait of an avatar according to your own ideas.

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Create a female portrait according to your ideas by first choosing the skin color, hair color, hairstyle and an eye shape with different colors. Standard colors are available here and for each eye type you can also use a special eye color. The different mouth shapes, from narrow lips to a pout, smiling or skeptically curled, also create very different facial expressions.

After that, choose different eye shadows and use a wide selection of different lipsticks. The portrait can be completed with some beautiful tops. From wool sweaters or lace blouses to simple tank tops in different colors, everything is possible. Finally, don't forget to pick accessories like playful earrings, necklaces or floral decorations. How about a veil for a bridal avatar or a headband for an elf? Numerous modern, playful or imaginative looks are possible in Portrait Maker.

Now use your imagination again to create beautiful avatars and play Portrait Maker: Create a Face! free online on KibaGames!

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Portrait Maker: Create a Face!

Portrait Maker: Create a Face!
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