
Night Skater

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  4. Night Skater

Night Skater - style magical or warm outfits!

Night Skater is a creative dress-up game in which you can design a figure skater who wants to do a few laps on the ice in the evening.

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Even in the evening there is still a lot of action on the ice rink! First select the skater's physical features such as her eyes, hair and mouth. In the next step, you can put together the outfit for the evening outing. Whether she is a professional skater or a beginner, there are many beautiful and functional clothes available to you to style the skater.

Should it be a classic figure skating dress for a competition or more sporty clothes for a training session? Or does your character skate more casually in her free time on the ice? Take advantage of a wide selection of suitable garments for every situation. Bodysuits, dresses, skirts or trousers are available in different shapes and colours.

Ornate and elaborately made clothing such as a transparent shirt that shimmers slightly can be used as well as cosy warm coats, jumpers and jackets. You can also choose different sleeves if you have opted for a classic figure skating costume. For a warm training outfit, you can also dress your skater in tights, legwarmers or tight sports trousers and choose the colour of your skates.

You also have the option of designing the scenery to include snow and ice flowers. You can also add playful light spots that float around your figure like fireflies.

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Winter sports can be so much fun! Choose the most beautiful outfits for beautiful hours on the ice and play Skater for free online on KibaGames!

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Night Skater

Night Skater
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