
Monkey Happy Stage 920

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 920

Monkey Happy Stage 920 - Clear the traffic jam!

Monkey Happy Stage 920 is a fun puzzle game in which you have to help the monkeys out of a traffic jam in a snowstorm.

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A blizzard has swept across the streets and trapped the three monkeys in their cars. A tree has fallen and needs to be cleared first. In addition, the monkeys at the back of the traffic jam are cold – find ear warmers and a scarf for them. Collect all the desired items and hand them over to the freezing animals to make them happy again.

Look at the environment very carefully and collect clues to crack the hidden compartments and safes. In your inventory, you also have to combine some objects to be able to use them. This way, you will eventually find a tool to chop up the fallen tree!

Can you keep the streets in order?

Help the monkeys in their predicament and clear the traffic jam! Play Monkey Happy Stage 920 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 920

  • Online since: 20.|02.|2025
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (302)
Monkey Happy Stage 920
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