
Monkey Happy Stage 912

Approved for all ages

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  3. Monkey Go Happy
  4. Monkey Happy Stage 912

Monkey Happy Stage 912 – Find the computer game in the Wild West!

Monkey Happy Stage 912 is a fun puzzle game in which you not only have to organize a monkey rodeo, but also find a video game.

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One monkey would like to ride on the horse in front of the Wild West house and needs a lasso and a hat for it, while the two other monkeys in the hut are taking it easy. One of them is looking for his 20 coins, which are scattered around wildly, while the female monkey would most like to play “Legends League” – the monkey version of “League of Legends”.

Look around you for the items you need and fulfill the monkeys' wishes! Discover hidden secret compartments and safes and open them by combining objects in your inventory or entering codes that you can find both inside and outside the hut.

Can you solve the tricky puzzles and make the monkey gang happy again?

Let one monkey ride the horse and the other play on the computer! Play Monkey Happy Stage 912 now for free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 912

  • Online since: 23.|01.|2025
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (298)
Monkey Happy Stage 912
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