
Monkey Happy Stage 904

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 904

Monkey Happy Stage 904 - Explore the Crystal Cave!

Monkey Happy Stage 904 is a fun puzzle game in which you have to help two monkeys find all the objects they are looking for in a crystal cave.

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The Viking monkeys are on the loose! This time, the little monkeys have ended up in a dark crystal cave. And of course, they are once again searching for a few items. The unfortunate animals are desperately looking for a bowl of 20 crystals, a crystal pickaxe, and a crystal shield.

Search the tunnel and pay attention to special crystal formations. They could provide the clues. Combine the pieces of crystal lying around and the individual parts in your inventory to open hidden compartments and safes. With your help, the Viking monkeys will surely be happy again soon!

Experience a dazzling adventure in the crystal cave and find all the desired objects! Now play Monkey Happy Stage 904 for free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 904

  • Online since: 26.|12.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (298)
Monkey Happy Stage 904
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