
Monkey Happy Stage 896

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 896

Monkey Happy Stage 896 - Celebrate Thanksgiving with the monkeys!

In the puzzle game Monkey Happy Stage 896, make sure that the monkeys and Pesky the Rabbit can celebrate a successful Thanksgiving dinner.

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The monkeys are dressed up to celebrate the American Thanksgiving and eat traditional turkey. But they still lack a few things for a successful evening. Search for grapes, earrings made of acorns and a pumpkin pie to make the monkeys happy again. The guest Pesky the Rabbit, who is actually a raccoon in disguise, also has a special request.

Look around the dining room and find all the requested items. Sometimes they are hidden behind other objects or in secret compartments and boxes, so click on everything in the room so you don't miss anything. Also take a closer look at the pictures and candles and crack the numerical codes and safes with the clues you find.

Can you solve all the hidden puzzles and help the monkeys?

Become the perfect host and save the Thanksgiving celebration! Play Monkey Happy Stage 896 now online for free at KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 896

  • Online since: 28.|11.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (299)
Monkey Happy Stage 896
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