
Monkey Happy Stage 888

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 888

Monkey Happy Stage 888 - Egg hunt under a full moon!

Monkey Happy Stage 888 is a fun puzzle game in which you have to help two monkeys in the countryside to find their lost items.

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Not Mary, but a little monkey is missing his little toy lamb in the middle of the night. And his friend also needs your help to collect 20 eggs for breakfast that are scattered around the pasture. Fortunately, the full moon is shining, which makes the search much easier. Help the two farmers and solve all the puzzles to make the monkeys happy and make them laugh.

Rummage through the grass and open the small woodshed, where you will find more clues, chests and hiding places. Take a close look at the night sky, where not only the moon is shining brightly. Crack the numerical codes and combine individual parts in your inventory to obtain complete items. With your help, everyone can soon go to sleep with peace of mind!  

Experience a nocturnal adventure in the countryside and find all the objects you want! Play Monkey Happy Stage 888 online for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 888

  • Online since: 31.|10.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (302)
Monkey Happy Stage 888
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