
Monkey Happy Stage 880

Approved for all ages

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  3. Monkey Go Happy
  4. Monkey Happy Stage 880

Monkey Happy Stage 880 - Rock out with the New Monkeys on the Block!

Monkey Happy Stage 880 is a musical mini-game where you can take to the stage with a monkey version of the band New Kids on the Block.

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“New Kids on the Block” is a US pop band that was formed in 1984 and enjoyed great success in the 1980s and early 1990s. They are considered the prototype of the boy band. Unfortunately, the five animal singers and dancers are missing the music cassette in the ghetto blaster typical of the time in this game. Can you find it and make sure that the New Kids can perform their best songs on stage? To do that, you have to solve a few puzzles in the game, find important objects backstage and enter letter and number codes. With the right combinations, you can make all the monkeys laugh and dance on stage!

Help one of the most successful pop bands of all time and play Monkey Happy Stage 880 online for free at KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 880

  • Online since: 03.|10.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (302)
Monkey Happy Stage 880
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