
Monkey Happy Stage 874

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 874

Monkey Happy Stage 874 - The Dog Whisperer of the Baskervilles!

Tame a wild four-legged friendin Monkey Happy Stage 874 and become a dog trainer together with TV star Cesar Millan.

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Cesar Millan is a Mexican-American dog trainer and author who became famous worldwide with his TV series “Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan”. In the series, he helps dog owners whose animals display problematic behavior. However, many of his training methods are controversial and have been criticized by experts as violent.

Meet the monkey version of Cesar in Monkey Happy Stage 874 and help him take care of a particularly difficult case: The legendary dog from the Sherlock Holmes novel “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Arthur Conan Doyle, is up to mischief near an old manor house.

Solve exciting puzzles and find all the items the dog trainer needs to turn the snarling monster into a friendly little dog. Look around carefully - maybe you'll find a treat or something for the four-legged friend to play with!

Solve tricky puzzles and tame the Baskervilles' dog! Play Monkey Happy Stage 874 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 874

  • Online since: 12.|09.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (298)
Monkey Happy Stage 874
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