
Monkey Happy Stage 870

Approved for all ages

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  3. Monkey Go Happy
  4. Monkey Happy Stage 870

Monkey Happy Stage 870 - Beetle Herbie in Las Vegas!

Travel to the US desert city of Las Vegas in Monkey Happy Stage 870 and help the VW Beetle Herbie find his race numbers!

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“The Love Bug” is an American comedy film by Walt Disney Studios that was released in cinemas in 1969. The star of the live-action film is a magical white Volkswagen Beetle with a personality of its own, who befriends the unsuccessful racing driver Jim Douglas.

In Monkey Happy Stage 870, Herbie is stranded in Las Vegas and has lost his famous racing stickers with the starting number 53. Help him find them in the casino and solve all the puzzles on site!

Collect 20 gambling chips and use your backpack to put the signs together to open secret compartments. The croupier is missing his slider for the roulette table, and the player has lost her crown and handbag. Fulfill the monkeys' wishes so that they can help you with your task and take a closer look at the walls in the casino. What role does the jackpot that can be won play?

Find Herbie's starting numbers in this animal mini-game, make the monkeys happy and play Monkey Happy Stage 870 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 870

  • Online since: 29.|08.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (302)
Monkey Happy Stage 870
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