
Monkey Happy Stage 864

Approved for all ages

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  3. Monkey Go Happy
  4. Monkey Happy Stage 864

Monkey Happy Stage 864 - Celebrate the 2024 Olympic Games!

Monkey Happy Stage 864 is an exciting mini-game in which you have to help the athlete monkeys at the Olympic Games in Paris!

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The international sports competition is in full swing, but suddenly the monkey athletes are missing their sports equipment. And the gold medals to be awarded are scattered all over the sports field. So bring order to the chaos and complete all the tasks at hand. Collect the medals, find the boxing gloves and the sports pistol and crack the codes for the locked suitcase and the equipment shed. The pole-vaulting monkey also wants to give his best against the magnificent backdrop of the Eiffel Tower. Can you solve all the puzzles and bring the Olympic emblem to the mascot of the Games, the red Phrygian cap?

Make your contribution to the success of the Olympic Games now and play Monkey Happy Stage 864 online for free on KibaGamese!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 864

  • Online since: 08.|08.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (302)
Monkey Happy Stage 864
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