
Monkey Happy Stage 862

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 862

Monkey Happy Stage 862 - Travel to the Planet of the Apes!

Visit the Planet of the Apes in the minigame Monkey Happy Stage 862 and solve exciting puzzles with them!

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‘Planet of the Apes’ is best known for the science fiction film from 1968. The story is based on the book by French author Pierre Boulle and is about three astronauts who crash-land on an alien planet in the year 3978 after a long cryogenic sleep. There they discover that the planet is ruled by intelligent, talking apes. In the course of the story, the humans find out that the planet is actually Earth, where humans died out long ago through their own fault. The film has several sequels, and the cult series became even more popular with the new film series ‘Planet of the Apes’, which was released in cinemas in 2011.

Now you've landed in the realm of the apes yourself and they need your help. Look around and marvel at the magnificent ape version of Mount Rushmore National Memorial. Solve tricky puzzles, decipher codes and find the items the monkeys need.

Experience an exciting adventure on the Planet of the Apes and solve challenging puzzles! Play Monkey Happy Stage 862 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 862

  • Online since: 01.|08.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (302)
Monkey Happy Stage 862
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