
Monkey Happy Stage 834

Approved for all ages

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  3. Monkey Go Happy
  4. Monkey Happy Stage 834

Monkey Happy Stage 834 - Sow the seeds!

Celebrate the start of spring with the monkeys and help them cultivate their fields in this exciting mini-game!

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The sun is shining, the flowers are starting to bloom and spring has arrived for the monkeys. Now your help is needed on the farm, because the seeds need to be sown so that plenty of fruit and vegetables can be harvested in summer.

Solve the number puzzles and find the monkey farmer's tools, because the soil can't be dug up without a shovel and rake. And while you're at it, take a close look at the surroundings - maybe you'll find some seeds in the grass for the hard-working monkeys to sow?

A tip: To crack the combination lock, it helps to look for Roman numerals.

More farm games for hard-working farmers

If you can't get enough of country life, why not till the fields in Farm Block Puzzle?

Grow corn, potatoes, carrots and many other vegetables with the monkeys and play Monkey Happy Stage 834 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 834

  • Online since: 25.|04.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (299)
Monkey Happy Stage 834
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