
Monkey Happy Stage 824

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 824

Monkey Happy Stage 824 - Let yourself be enchanted!

Visit a very special magic show together with the monkeys and help the magician with his card tricks in this exciting mini-game!

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The monkeys are already very excited because the famous monkey magician Houdini has pitched his tent to entertain the audience with his tricks. His speciality is card tricks, in which he uses Pokémon trading cards rather than playing cards.

Pokémon, also known as "pocket monsters", is a Nintendo media franchise that started with a video game in 1996. Today, there are several animated series, video games and a trading card game. Pokémons are small and large monsters that are caught and tamed by so-called trainers with Pokéballs. They then compete against other pocket monsters in exciting duels.

The trading cards are very popular and some cards of particularly popular and rare monsters such as Pikachu or Charizard are very valuable.

Unfortunately, the monkey magician has lost his cards shortly before his performance. Help him find his props again and take a good look around the tent. Can you find all 20 cards so that the show can begin?

Solve tricky puzzles and be enchanted by card tricks! Play Monkey Happy Stage 824 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 824

  • Online since: 21.|03.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (299)
Monkey Happy Stage 824
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