
Monkey Happy Stage 810

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 810

Monkey Happy Stage 810 - Ghost hunt with the monkeys!

Load up your proton blaster and dive into a spooky adventure with the Ghostbuster monkeys in this fun mini-game!

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The movie "Ghostbusters" is an American comedy from 1984 in which four ghostbusters protect New York from paranormal dangers. Dr. Raymond "Ray" Stantz, Dr. Egon Spengler, Ernie Hudson and Dr. Peter Venkman race through the city in their emergency vehicle "ECTO-1" and capture various ghosts with their ray guns. No haunting is too spooky for them and when the going gets tough, they cross the beams of their proton blasters to take down even the biggest ghost, the Marshmallow Man.

Now it's up to you to help the monkey ghost hunters. Solve tricky puzzles and use the ray guns to chase the ghost through the level. Can you catch the ghost with the trap and put an end to the haunting?

Face paranormal phenomena and become the newest member of the Ghostbusters! Play Monkey Happy Stage 810 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 810

  • Online since: 08.|02.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (302)
Monkey Happy Stage 810
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