
Monkey Happy Stage 802

Approved for all ages

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  2. Puzzle
  3. Monkey Go Happy
  4. Monkey Happy Stage 802

Monkey Happy Stage 802 - Celebrate New Year's Eve with the monkeys!

At the end of the year, the little monkeys in Monkey Happy Stage 802 want to launch New Year's Eve rockets to welcome the new year 2024, but there's no lighter to be found anywhere. Help the little guys in this entertaining point & click puzzle game and make sure that their New Year's celebration doesn't turn into a disaster.

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The firework battery is all ready and set, but apart from the lighter, there are a few other things missing that the Monkey Go Happy characters want for their party. Solve the puzzles, find lollipops, stars, party accessories and, of course, the lighter to make all the monkeys happy and celebrate the New Year together.

Remember that you can combine items in your inventory and take a close look at the strange symbols on the tower. Also pay attention to the party banner and the colorful letters, because there are lots of chests, codes and safes in the tower waiting for you to crack them! Can you find all the solutions and set off the rockets?      

Save the animal New Year's Eve party and celebrate the start of 2024 with the monkeys! Play Monkey Happy Stage 802 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 802

  • Online since: 11.|01.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (300)
Monkey Happy Stage 802
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