
Monkey Happy Stage 790

Approved for Ages 6+

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  2. Puzzle
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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 790

Monkey Happy Stage 790 - The same procedure as last year!

Monkey Happy Stage 790 is an exciting mini-game in which you help the monkey butler to serve his guests.

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The monkeys meet the British cult sketch "Dinner for One" from the 1950s, which is traditionally broadcast on television in Germany and other countries during the Christmas season and on New Year's Eve. The black and white short film is about the 90th birthday of Miss Sophie, played by British actress May Warden. Miss Sophie celebrates her special day with a dinner with her closest friends Sir Toby, Admiral von Schneider, Mr. Pommeroy and Mr. Winterbottom. The problem: her guests have all passed away and now butler James not only has to serve food and drink, but also take on the role of all the guests. As he has to keep toasting Miss Sophie on their behalf, he gets drunker and drunker as the evening progresses, leading to many iconic slapstick interludes.

Now it's up to you to help the animal butler James in the game to serve his guests as well as possible, even if he's already had one over the top himself. Solve tricky puzzles and make sure that James skilfully jumps over obstacles to bring the ladies and gentlemen new refreshments. After all, he doesn't want to end up like his namesake from the sketch, who keeps tripping over the head of a laid-out tiger skin!

Save the party and help the monkey butler serve his guests! Play Monkey Happy Stage 790 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 790

  • Online since: 23.|11.|2023
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (299)
Monkey Happy Stage 790
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