
Monkey Happy Stage 780

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 780

Monkey Happy Stage 780 - Banish the flying witch!

Monkey Happy Stage 780 is a new mini-game where you have to get two clumsy witch hunters ready for battle!

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Halloween is just around the corner and two witch hunter monkeys have to face an evil flying witch and drive her away. Will they succeed? For the duel with the magical creature in the cemetery, the two monkeys need a torch and a crossbow with 20 arrows. Collect the items in the game, put the right pieces together and explore the tomb in front of you. Can you use the ornaments to get into the tomb and search all the boxes and hiding places? The Roman numerals above the entrance are sure to be a useful clue!

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Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 780

  • Online since: 19.|10.|2023
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (302)
Monkey Happy Stage 780
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