
Monkey Happy Stage 772

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 772

Monkey Happy Stage 772 - More monkeys than the police allow!

Monkey Happy Stage 772 is an exciting mini-game in which you and the monkeys will make sure that nothing goes wrong during their visit to the police academy.

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This time the monkeys are going to the police school and play different roles from the 80s cult movie "Police Academy". The film follows a chaotic group of young recruits on their way through police training. In the process, the somewhat clumsy heroes not only tangle with nasty criminals, but also with their strict instructors. The film is considered a classic and captivates above all with its slapstick humor. Six sequels have been made to date.

Like the protagonists of the film, the monkeys also try to become exemplary police students, but they lack a few important things to do so. After all, you can't arrest anyone without handcuffs, and donuts are a must during lunch break, of course.

Explore the grounds, take a closer look at the colorful banner, and prove that your sleuthing skills would make you a good fit for the academy!

Can you solve all the puzzles? Complete the police academy with the monkeys and play Monkey Happy Stage 772 online for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 772

  • Online since: 21.|09.|2023
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (302)
Monkey Happy Stage 772
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