
Monkey Happy Stage 752

Approved for Ages 12+

Informationen zum Spiel

Tipp: Käfer heißt im Englischen Beetle. Bone, Eye, Hand, Skull, Hand, Bone bedeutet im deutschen: Knochen, Auge, Hand, Schädel, Hand, Knochen.

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 752

Monkey Happy Stage 752 - Scary fun with Beetlejuice!

Monkey Happy Stage 752 is an exciting mini-game in which you can help the monkeys bring the creepy characters from the movie "Beetlejuice" the items they want.

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The classic movie Beetlejuice from the 80's meets the cute monkeys for the exciting adventure Monkeyjuice! In the 1988 film, a recently deceased couple is trapped in their home as the wait for the afterlife is a full 125 years. They are guarded by the weird ghost Beetlejuice, whose monkey version you have to feed with "delicious" cockroaches in this game. If the couple from the movie tries to leave the house, they'll end up on Saturn, which is inhabited by giant sandworms. Will you find one of these creatures in Monkeyjuice?
Puzzle your way through the haunted house and maybe take a closer look at the flashing signs!

Can you crack all the clues? Join the monkeys in the spooky world of Monkeyjuice and play Monkey Happy Stage 752 free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 752

  • Online since: 13.|07.|2023
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (297)
Monkey Happy Stage 752
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