
Monkey Happy Stage 750

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 750

Monkey Happy Stage 750 - Discover Medusa!

Monkey Happy Stage 750 is an exciting mini-game in which you can help the monkeys free Medusa from her underground prison.

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The curious monkeys encounter the world of Greek myths. Medusa is said to have been one of three sisters, the Gorgons. Instead of hair, she had snakes on her head and the sight of her was said to be so terrifying that anyone who saw her turned to stone. But our brave little monkeys are not deterred by this and who knows, maybe Medusa is not so terrible in reality.
In the myth, she was finally defeated by Perseus, who used a mirror as a shield so he wouldn't have to look directly at her. Maybe you should get the monkeys a shield too? Take a good look around and, to be on the safe side, turn over every stone twice or pull a chain or two.

Can you crack all the clues? Experience the mythical world of legends with the monkeys and play Monkey Happy Stage 750 free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 750

  • Online since: 06.|07.|2023
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (297)
Monkey Happy Stage 750
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