
Monkey Happy Stage 673

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 673

Monkey Happy Stage 673 - a new home in the country!

Monkey Happy Stage 673 is a fun mini-game in which you'll be able to make the monkeys move to a new house in the country.

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The whole monkey gang has found a new home in the country. And now, of course, they have to explore it! In addition, there is quite a lot of work to do when you acquire such an old country house. Because not only the furnishings have to be checked, but also the associated animals like the sheep have to be taken care of. Each of the monkeys represented here would like to have different items. One would like to recover from the strain of the move by means of badminton, the other would like to read a book, another monkey needs something to eat first and the last would like to play a round of ball in a relaxed way. Only what could the little lamb want? Maybe it shares a need with one of the monkeys?

In any case, it is again a matter of combining and cracking the various codes. You can find clues to these puzzles on the walls of the new monkey home. For example, there is a code on the vault door, but how around do you have to read it?

Can you satisfy all their needs and allow the monkeys to settle into their new home and country life? Find out now and play Monkey Happy Stage 673 free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 673

  • Online since: 13.|10.|2022
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (297)
Monkey Happy Stage 673
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