
Modern Witch Street Style Fashion

Approved for all ages

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  4. Modern Witch Street Style Fashion

Modern Witch Street Style Fashion - put together four urban outfits!    

Modern Witch Street Style Fashion is a fun Halloween game in which you'll be able to put together four magical and modern outfits.    

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The four witches have had enough of old-fashioned clothes, but they want their new looks to be a bit witchy. For the makeover, first apply a matching makeup and then choose four new outfits. Dark lipstick and eye shadow will look more witchy, of course, but light and delicate shades can also be chosen and are trendy.     

After that, you can create a new outfit for each of the four friends from the coven, taking into account the style of each witch. Jeans dresses with a 90s look are included, as well as modern gothic ensembles. A bit of green and black punk rock, or would you prefer subtle gray? And cottage core is also popular on the streets right now. With a real witch's hat, the magical creatures can always score fashion points.    

Can you convince the four magicians to change their look for Halloween? Find out now and play Modern Witch Street Style Fashion online for free on Kibagames!    

Details about

Modern Witch Street Style Fashion

  • Online since: 22.|10.|2021
  • Publisher: Witchhut (109)
Modern Witch Street Style Fashion
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