
Medieval Girl

Approved for all ages

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Medieval Girl - Dress up the damsel of the castle!

Medieval Girl is a romantic dress-up game in which you'll be able to dress up a damsel for a meeting with her prince.

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The young lady wants to meet her suitor in one of the castle towers and dress up especially nicely for it. Choose not only different clothes and accessories, but also create the facial expression and hairstyle of the medieval princess. After that you can combine different elements of the precious robe to create a magnificent outfit and also design the colors of the clothes and decorations. From different bodices, sleeves, skirts and capes you can create a feminine robe, which can be decorated with a belt, jewelry, hood, crown and many other applications. Additional objects like a love letter or a rose add to the romantic atmosphere. And a black cat or other animal as an observer of the scene can't be missing either.

And maybe you've noticed that the prince looks like Sir Johan from the world of the Smurfs. Maybe the Smurfs can even be found here somewhere?

If you are satisfied with your work, you are welcome to save the picture of the prince and princess on your PC or smartphone.

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Medieval Girl

Medieval Girl
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