
Makeup Girl Game

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Makeup Girl Game

Make Up Girl Game - Style twelve college girls!

Make Up Girl Game is an extensive makeover game in which you have to style college girls for a photo shoot!

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Your skills as a makeup artist and makeup guru are needed here! Make up twelve young women in your mobile beauty salon for an upcoming photo shoot. For this, a complete makeover including a new hairstyle is required in each case, which should match the outfit of the respective model.

Change the facial features as needed to create a new overall impression and then swing the makeup brush as a makeup artist! There are many different lipsticks, eye shadows and blushes available in trendy colors and shades. Glitter and trendy face stickers are also not to be missed. Use new hairstyle options and try your hand at cheeky pixie cuts and flowing manes in many different colors. Even discreet fake piercings can be stuck on for the duration of the shoot. Finally, choose a suitable background and feel free to take a first photo that you can save on your PC or smartphone.

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If you liked Make Up Girl Game, why not also try L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Style Studio and style the famous dolls in the official game version.

Find the right look for every woman now and play Make Up Girl Game free online on KibaGames!

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Makeup Girl Game

Makeup Girl Game
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