
Make Up Queen R

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  4. Make Up Queen R

Make Up Queen R - Swing the makeup brush!

Make Up Queen R is a fun makeover game in which you'll do your models' hair and makeup to create pretty looks.

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Make up the stars according to their wishes and give them the look of their dreams. Three different stages await you, in each of which you'll make up a new model. As a template, you will receive a photo that you can use as a guide. First, you'll apply powder. The Make Up Queen R gameplay is a mixture of reaction game and makeover game. The longer you hold down the left mouse button, the lighter your model's skin becomes. So you have to let go at the right moment to hit the right shade.

In the same way you'll take care of eyelashes, eyebrows and lipstick. Finally, style a perfect hairstyle and the superstar look is ready! See what the comments say about your creation - are they thrilled or do you need to try it again? Based on their reactions, you'll earn points for your high score!

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Make up great looks and play Make Up Queen R online for free on KibaGames now!

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Make Up Queen R

Make Up Queen R
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