
Magic Kingdom: Hex Match

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  3. Magic Kingdom: Hex Match

Magic Kingdom: Hex Match - Build your kingdom!

Magic Kingdom: Hex Match is a fun sorting game in which you have to skillfully clear stacks of hexagons with various resources.

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Prove to the king that you are worthy to succeed him and build your own kingdom. Collect resources such as food, water, stone, wood, workers and metal to build buildings for your world and its inhabitants.

How to play

Draw the hexagonal stacks, which consist of different resource cards, onto the playing field. As soon as two identical hexagons are placed next to each other, they are automatically combined into a larger stack. When ten identical hex cards are stacked on top of each other, they disappear from the playing field and you receive the corresponding number of that resource.

Play strategically and place the hexagons on the playing field in such a way that chain reactions occur and as many stacks as possible are cleared. But be careful not to run out of space on the field, or it's game over!

You have to collect a certain number of resources in each level to advance to the next one. Between challenges, you can visit your kingdom to see what progress your industrious subjects have made and what resources you still need for your construction project.

Build a royal castle and expand your small settlement bit by bit into a magnificent kingdom!

More logic puzzles to train your brain

If you liked Magic Kingdom: Hex Match, then why not also combine hexagons in Hexa Sort 3D and build famous structures around the world.

Sort the hexagon cards by color and resource and build a city! Play Magic Kingdom: Hex Match now for free online at KibaGames!

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Magic Kingdom: Hex Match

Magic Kingdom: Hex Match
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