
Love Tester 4

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Love Tester 4 - How strong is your love?

Love Tester 4 is a fun mini-game where you can test how well suited two people are to each other using their names.

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Are you meant for each other? Test if you are soulmates and enter your name and the name of your great love into Love Tester 4. As a new feature, you can also choose two avatars that best represent you. It is also possible to form same-sex couples. Moreover, male and female avatars of different ethnicities are available in this new version of Love Tester.

Then the strength of your love will be measured. But that's not all: a scenario is chosen in which your love will be put to the test. Can you save your crush from the burning house or will your partner free you from a trap? Try out many variations: Do your nicknames match? What happens if you enter your last name as well?

In addition to the scenario, there is a percentage of how well you match that will affect the outcome of the event. Plus, you'll find out what the Love Tester 4 has to say about your relationship!

Of course, the whole thing is just a game, whether you match with someone is still up to you!

More games about love

If you liked Love Tester 4 and want to try your luck in earlier versions, then play Love Tester as well.

Find true love and play Love Tester 4 free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Love Tester 4

  • Online since: 09.|07.|2023
  • Publisher: Famobi (326)
Love Tester 4
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