
Love Tester

Approved for all ages

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Love Tester - find your dream partner!

Love Tester is a cool love game where you can check your love chances with a specific partner.

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Are you in love and want to know if he or she is right for you? Are you up for any kind of fun? Then let yourself be inspired by this latest version of the famous love test and just enter your name and the name of your potential dream partner. Let the test results show you and find out if you belong together!

Of course, you don't have to take the results that seriously, the Love Tester is more of an entertaining pastime for in between. But if you're already testing your chances, maybe you can also talk to your crush, right? Let's go! Don't miss this fun and test your name!

How to play Love Tester

The game principle is very simple:

  • Just enter your name and the name of the person you want to know if he or she is a good match for you.
  • Of course, you can also calculate the chances of two other people.
  • Then press "Love Test" to start the comparison.

Your results will be displayed in percentages and you will receive an assessment of the chances and risks of the couples entered.

Have you found a real dream couple or do you fit together like fish and a bicycle? Maybe your names together have potential for a real relationship, if you try it once together? Love is in the air here!

Tips and tricks for romantic results

Every result in the Love Tester is accompanied by a funny saying. What is your favorite saying? Try different variations to read all the sayings. And what happens if you enter our mascots Kiba and Kumba once?

  • You are a good team and maybe more?
  • It seems that the prince has found his princess.
  • In love, engaged, married!

More romantic online games for girls and boys

If you liked Love Tester, why don't you try to find even more love and play Love Tester 4?

Are you ready for a lot of romance? Then play Love Tester free online on KibaGames! As always, no download required for mobile or PC!

Details about

Love Tester

  • Online since: 01.|01.|2017
  • Publisher: Famobi (326)
Love Tester
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