
Just Golf

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Just Golf

Approved for all ages

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Just Golf - improve your handicap in over 200 levels!    

Just Golf is an exciting sports game in which you can swing the golf club and hole out in 210 levels.    

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In this minimalistic golf game you can aim by tapping or clicking and holding with the aiming aid and hole the red flag with as few strokes as possible. You have an unlimited number of strokes at your disposal and if you are particularly good, you can even win three stars. Overcome every hill, let the golf ball roll down stairs and hit it over nasty holes. Each of the over 200 levels in Just Golf has its own unique challenges for you.     

Of course, don't overshoot, because then you'll have to start all over again.     

Take your turn on the golf course now and play Just Golf free online on SpielAffe!

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Just Golf

Just Golf
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