
Into The Wild

Approved for all ages

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  4. Into The Wild

Into The Wild - Style great outdoor outfits!

Into The Wild is an interesting dress-up game in which you can dress a young woman for her outdoor adventures!

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Create cool outdoor outfits suitable for winter and get your model ready for hiking, skiing, snowboarding or camping! First you can design the young woman's outer appearance and also create a hairstyle of your choice. She will then need warm and waterproof clothing for outdoor activities. Use functional winter jackets, fleece midlayers, sweaters, thermal underwear and more! With a hat, scarf and gloves, your character is equipped for any weather and can explore the wilderness away from civilization. Sun, snow or rain are guaranteed not to bother her with the right clothing and she can enjoy being out in nature. For winter sports fans, there is even a snowboard and matching accessories such as ski goggles.

Place the outdoor girl in front of a beautiful natural backdrop in the forest, in the mountains or in the snow on the ski slope in front of the ski lift. With an animal companion such as a dog or in the company of friends, camping and hiking is even more fun! And maybe your friends even use their outdoor and functional clothing as a style statement in everyday life. In this case, their clothing style would be called gorpcore. The term is derived from the English abbreviation of "good old raisins and peanuts", i.e. trail mix, which is often eaten as a snack on hikes.

More fashion games for the cold season

If you enjoyed Into The Wild, why not play Dreamy Winter Date and style cozy outfits for a date on the ice rink?

Put together the most beautiful looks for traveling, sports and leisure outdoors and in nature and play Into The Wild online for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Into The Wild

  • Online since: 20.|12.|2023
  • Publisher: dolldivine (43)
Into The Wild
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