
Insta Princesses: Rockstar Wedding

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  4. Insta Princesses: Rockstar Wedding

Rockstar Wedding - style bride and groom and maids of honor!    

Rockstar Wedding is a cool fashion game in which you can style the bride and groom as well as the bridesmaids in an extravagant rock aesthetic for the wedding.     

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First put together matching outfits for the three bridesmaids and start with the make up. For this wedding, it may be a little darker and a piercing shouldn't be missing either. Then choose a rocking dress - dark and rich colors like purple and red are available as well as sequins or a gown in black and gold. Combine it with black nylon stockings and accessories like a hat, a dark tiara or gloomy sunglasses with spikes. Crossover elements to gothic and punk provide individual highlights. With a pretty bouquet of dark flowers, jewelry and a new hairstyle, the bridesmaids will surely cut a good figure.  The bride Elsa, on the other hand, can wear a simple or sexy white dress as well as a dark wedding dress. And also her groom can be dressed by you in a rocking outfit with a velvet jacket and leather gloves or in a light gray suit to the long hair mane.    

A truly different kind of wedding! Don't miss the many beautiful combination possibilities and play Rockstar Wedding free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Insta Princesses: Rockstar Wedding

  • Online since: 08.|09.|2021
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Insta Princesses: Rockstar Wedding
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