
Hotel Tycoon Empire

Approved for all ages

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  1. Start
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  3. Restaurant and Hotel
  4. Hotel Tycoon Empire

Hotel Tycoon Empire - manage your own hotel chain!

Hotel Tycoon Empire is a cool clicker game where you can build an entire hotel and expand your building portfolio to an entire hotel chain.

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Before you become a successful hotel tycoon, start small. Build your first hotel and earn money by quickly clicking or clicking and holding your mouse or finger. Then level up your staff, rooms and services and earn money from satisfied hotel customers.

Every night and every meal in the restaurant earns you money, as do satisfied users of the gym or spa. Soon hire new staff and consider new offers like a ski course or sightseeing tours. But it's not just the entertainment, accommodations, and clicking that earn you money. Passive income from all these activities also expands your investment scope. Soon you'll have enough money to expand with new hotels, cafes and restaurants. Your guests want to take a spin in the pool or relax with a massage while the kids are entertained? No problem, as a Hotel Tycoon you'll be good at managing all the operations and expanding your business model more and more.

Manage your own hotels now in this new, exciting business simulation game and play Hotel Tycoon Empire free online on Kibagames!

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Hotel Tycoon Empire

Hotel Tycoon Empire
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